To read the story, follow
For the background and process, continue below.
If you've caught up on the previous post -
Doodle, Paint, & Photo of Ren Faire Days - you'll know what I refer to when I say I had the serendipitous delight of meeting true Renaissance man
Richard Alvarez while working for the PA Faire at Mount Hope in 2013.
Needless to say, we struck up a great rapport with a good common ground of interests. Though our different work schedules only overlapped on the property for a brief time, the notion of working together was sparked readily, and keeping in touch for the following few months resulted in the commission of 'The Master's Fee' title illustration.
I am honored to have been chosen for a piece once set aside for a great illustrator, now passed on. It was a joy to explore the visualization of Richard's witty, mid 1700's English flash fiction tale, picking and choosing the period-appropriate details that would help bring my interpretation of his ripe words to life.
We continued a dialogue through the 'rough' and 'tight' stages of my process, to keep the end goal in line:
Sample of one of several 'roughs', initial conceptualizing stage, Graphite, 2014. |
Once the orientation, format, and posturing of the characters was narrowed down from the initial array, I took the concept to a few 'tighter' contour versions, two samples of which are shown next:
Continued concept in contour 'tight' stage, Graphite, 2014. |
Continued concept in contour 'tight' stage, Second character, Graphite, 2014. |
Once we found the fit to the story, I got the 'go-ahead' and began the painting process. At this time, I was working from a 'temporary' Studio between some locations in New York state.
Painting Process One, Photo, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting Process Two, Photo, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting Process Three, Scan, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting Process Four, Photo, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting Process Five, Scan, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting Process Six, Scan, Watercolor, 2014. |
Painting/Calligraphy Process, Scan, Watercolor, 2014. |
And the final work:
'The Master's Fee' Title Illustration, Watercolor, 2014. |
For more, visit my website at
To contact me, for questions, or to commission me, visit
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